
Crystal Rekart

Illinois DCFS Youth Advisory Board Program Manager

As a tenacious advocate for foster and adoptive parents to be given access to the tools they need to care for youth in foster care, Crystal Rekart is giving back to her community by serving as a representative of the Illinois Adoption Advisory Council for her second [three-year] term. Because she often felt alone in her quest for information and support, she joined the core group for Northern Illinois' largest foster parent support groups. It was at one of these support group meetings that she attended her first Parent Café, and from there, she knew she had found a way to "be who she needed" while actively fostering.

Crystal joined Be Strong Families in 2017. During her time as a consultant, Crystal has filled many roles. She has facilitated Parent Cafés and workshops for audiences in Northern and Central Illinois. Possessing a servant’s heart, she was pivotal behind the scenes where she often filled-in to complete data entry and other administrative tasks. Crystal also assisted the Illinois Statewide Youth Advisory Board Team as a chaperone for their meetings, a mentor for members, and someone who was always willing to lend a hand wherever needed, which eventually led her to a full-time role as the Illinois Youth Advisory Board Program Manager.

Crystal lives in Northern Illinois with her daughter and two sons. Crystal’s family—always in search of adventure—likes to spend time outdoors: camping, hiking, and visiting zoos and museums. She also enjoys cooking her family’s traditional Mexican American food and pastries, as well as her grandmother’s special Southern meals. Although she received formal training to be a Veterinary Technician, her passion to strengthen families and advocate for youth and young adults in the child welfare system has led her to serve these populations with Be Strong Families.

“To me, family is not necessarily what you’re born into. It is those who love and support each other, and are there to share in life’s ups and downs.”

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